Date Created: 2014-02-13 13:50:26


SKGB coaching workshops

As part of the process to allow coaches to progress with their CPD (Continued Professional Development) The SKGB have organised workshops to in Aberdeen, Glasgow and Dunfermline on the following Dates.

Aberdeen Saturday 8th March (2 workshops all day event)
1.       Coaching Children and Young People

2.       Analyzing your coaching

Glasgow Friday 14th March (1 workshop evening )
1.       Analyzing your coaching

Dunfermline Saturday 5th April (2 workshops all day event)
1.    Coaching Children and Young People

2.    Safeguard & Protecting Children 1

Please note: Only Scottish Karate Governing Body members can register for these workshops


Workshops on Coaching Children and Young People & Analyzing your Coaching 8th March 2014 Aberdeen.

Click on PDF document. for more information.


Workshop on Analyzing your Coaching 14 th March 2014 Glasgow.

Click on PDF document. for more information.


Workshops on Coaching Children and Young People & Safeguard and protecting Children 5th April 2014 Dunfermline.

Click on PDF document.for more information.

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